Check out everything we have going on at the online hub today below!
HMAP Playtastic – Fun with the play team | (Juniors)
Arts & crafts, games and fun challenges with our play team at Hackney Marsh Adventure Playground!
*New videos will be uploaded at 3pm every Tuesday.
Sports tips & tricks | (Juniors & Seniors)
Join our Sports Unit for weekly tips and tricks on how to stay fit and healthy during lockdown!
*A new video will be uploaded at 3:30pm every Tuesday.
Young Adult Carers Forum (Fortnightly) | 5:30-6:30pm (16-25)
The Young Adult Carers Forum is a group for Young Carers aged 16 and above.
We invite guests to meet with the forum to speak on topics including transition to adult services, money management and education.
We also use the group as opportunity to socialise, learn new skills and have fun!
This group runs in partnership with Adult Carers services.
If you would like to join the forum please email yh.youngcarers@hackney.gov.uk.