Have your say on the future of Stamford Hill
Do you live, study or work in Stamford Hill? Have your say on the future of your neighbourhood.
Since 2015 we have been collecting your views on the key priorities for future change in Stamford Hill.
The draft Stamford Hill Area Action Plan (AAP) brings together the key issues, challenges and opportunities identified for Stamford Hill. This has been developed with contributions from thousands of people in the Stamford Hill community, led by the Stamford Hill Community Panel – an advisory group made up of representatives from local community organisations and local councillors.
With the majority of this engagement taking place before the coronavirus pandemic, further consultation is taking place to ensure the proposals included in the plan continue to reflect the priorities of the local community and help shape the final draft of the Stamford Hill AAP, which will be consulted on in summer 2022.
We are keen to understand your views on whether overall the AAP addresses the key issues and the opportunities for Stamford Hill.