Staying safe online

Life online is… well, life. Which means the good and the bad come in equal measure. This page will give you regular tips and updates to help you stay safe online.

If you haven’t checked your privacy settings in a while, check again – when sites update their privacy policy sometimes your old settings won’t apply, so you need to check everything’s up-to-date. Check out this clip on Snapchat security.

Always think before you send or share – think about how it may affect your life, and the impact it could have on others.

We know that the internet can be a hater’s paradise – but you shouldn’t put up with bullying online. If you need advice or someone to talk to, contact Childline – click here to see what they have to say about coping with cyber bullying.

Useful websites

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If you’ve seen something online that has made you uncomfortable or if someone has acted inappropriately online towards you or someone you know, you can report it directly to CEOP. It could be sexual chat, being asked to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable or someone asking to meet up. Click here for more information about CEOP, what they do, and how to make a report.
